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It is not always easy to find the ideal keynote speaker for your conference, trainer for working with your staff or children to develop provision in your school or consultant to support you with a specific project.
At NATT+ we are keen to ensure that organisations and schools around the country have access to a wide range of high quality Gypsy Roma Traveller expertise. As part of our role to provide support, advice and subject leadership, we are developing a directory of associate members who are experienced trainers, consultants, community members and researchers.
Our associates are members of good standing who have contributed to NATT+ pubications, trainings and events in the past and offer a range of services in support of practitioners and the subject, either on an independent basis or through their employing institutions.
Our directory of consultants is updated annually and it is important to us that those listed in our Directory provide a high quality service. All our associate members are obliged to conform to our Professional Code of Practice. However, it should be noted that NATT+ cannot accept responsibility for, or personally recommend the consultants listed in this directory.
If, for any reason, any member is unhappy with the service they receive, or alternatively wishes to report excellent work by an associate, please contact us.