The Constitution of The National Association of Teachers of Travellers and other Professionals.

  • NATT+ is a Professional Association.
  • Members of the Association will conduct themselves according to the principals and values as express in the constitution.


The Association is committed to facilitating an active and supportive network for the benefit of its members.

1.0 Aims

1.1     To support members of the Association by:

  • Proactively engaging at local, national and European levels to improve the educational outcomes of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.
  • Providing forums for the exchange of knowledge and information.
  • Promoting the inclusion of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller cultures in the curriculum through the promotion of resources, projects members’ work and professional development of members by providing networking and support, training, information and guidance.
  • Actively lobbying for the Educational Rights of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities through professional dialogue
  • Promoting awareness of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller groups as minority ethnic groups within the Equalities Act 2010.

2.0     Membership

2.1     Membership of the Association is open to individuals who are involved or interested in the education of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.

2.2     Members are entitled to:

  • Vote
  • At the point of election stand for election of Officer posts and other Executive positions e.g. Chair of Working Groups within the Association
  • Attend the National and Annual General Meetings of the Association
  • Join Working Groups and projects where appropriate.
  • Be co-opted to the Executive at their invitation
  • Represent the Executive when requested
  • Facilitate meetings with other interested parties and groups as approved by the Executive.
  • Receive priority allocation of delegate places at NATT+ conferences
  • Access to the members area of the NATT+ website
  • Contribute to debates and discussions via the website and Facebook.

2.3     Membership is from 1st Sept to 31st August and will be terminated by non-payment of subscription.

3.0     Executive Committee

3.1     There will be appointed a President/Joint President, Treasurer and an Administration Officer or appropriate configuration of Officers, who will be known as the Officers of the Association.

3.2     Chairs of the Working Groups will be appointed by the Officers of the Association to meet the identified area of need or expertise and will join the Officers on the Executive.

3.3     The President/Joint Presidents should have Qualified Teacher status and be currently employed by an Authority primarily in a teaching, managerial or consultant roll.

3.4     Officers will be elected at alternative Annual General Meetings, for a term of office of two years.

3.5     An Executive member will be deemed to have resigned if three consecutive meetings are missed without written reason.

3.6     An Executive member shall give notice of resignation in writing to the President/Joint Presidents to take immediate effect.

3.7     Executive meetings will take place three times as year as a minimum.

4.0     National Meetings

4.1     Each year there will be an Annual General Meeting and a minimum one other meeting.

4.2     Meetings can reach decisions if quorate.  A quorate meeting shall be one where 10% of the membership is in attendance

4.3     Non-quorate meetings may proceed and make recommendations to the Executive.

4.4     Additional meetings may be called by the elected Officers of the Association, or at the request of 10% of the membership of the Association.

4.5     Meetings will be chaired by the President or joint Presidents of the Association.  In their absence the chair will be taken by another Executive member.

4.6     Members may only invite visitors to National Meetings if the visitor is hosting or presenting.

4.7     Resolutions may be moved by any member present at a meeting, or in writing in advance of meetings, provided the proposal is seconded by another member.

4.8     The writing and dissemination of the agenda will be the responsibility of the Executive.

4.9     The agenda will be sent to members 2 weeks before the meetings.

4.10  Members may contribute or comment on the agenda by contacting the President/Joint Presidents of the Association one month before meetings.

4.11  Members unable to attend may contribute or comment in the same way.

5.0     Duties of Officers

5.1     The President/Joint Presidents, Treasurer and Administration Officer shall:

  • Be known as Officers of the Association and members of the Executive.
  • Fulfill all responsibilities and duties of the Executive as detailed in the Constitution.
  • Uphold the aims and rules of the Association as detailed in the Constitution.
  • Respond to the wishes and concerns of the members.

6.0     Working Groups

6.1     The Officers of the Association shall commission and decommission such groups as are considered necessary to support the work of the Association.

6.2     The Membership of Working Groups shall be recruited from the Membership and approved by the Executive

6.3     Working Groups shall nominate a chair, who will regularly report to members on the business of their groups.

6.4     At each AGM the purpose, membership and business of the Working Groups shall be reported to members.

7.0     Nomination  and Elections

7.1     Nominations of officers shall be made in writing to the President/Joint Presidents one calendar month before the relevant AGM.

7.2     Names of candidates will be made know to the membership in the mailing for the AGM

7.3     In the event of no nominations being received, the consent of Members present at the AGM will be sought to accept nominations from the floor, or to agree an interim arrangement where necessary.

7.4     Nominations of absent members will be valid if their consent has been received by the President/Joint Presidents prior to the meeting.

7.5     Absent members wishing to vote may do so in writing to the President/Joint Presidents, indicating choices, to arrive before the meeting.

7.6     A simple majority of the membership will determine the results of the voting in the event of a hung vote, the Chair of the meeting will have the casting vote.

7.7     An interim Officer may be elected from the floor at a national meeting in the event of the resignation of an office and there being no nominations.

7.8     Election of new Officers will be the last item on the agenda of alternate AGM’s.

7.9     The retiring Committee will be responsible for the minutes of their final AGM.

8.0     Subscription and Finance

8.1     Any changes to annual membership subscription will be proposed by the Executive and voted upon by the membership and will be reviewed annually.

8.2     Accounts will be properly kept, independently verified and presented to the membership.

8.3     Financial procedures will be adopted and adhered to as laid down in “NATT+ Financial Guidelines”.

8.4     Finances will be renewed monthly by the Officers.

8.5     The Treasurer’s home address will serve as the official registered address for the Association for all financial transactions.

9.0     Constitution

9.1     The Constitution shall be adopted annually

9.2     Members and meetings are bound by the terms of the Constitution.

9.3     The Constitution may be amended by proposals moved at the AGM providing:

  • Proposed and seconded proposals are made in writing to the Executive
  • Members are informed in writing of proposed amendments.
  • Amendments are agreed by a majority of the voting membership at an AGM.
  • Proposals may be amended from the floor with the agreement of the Members.
  • An extraordinary AGM may be called by the Executive if required.

9.4     Members and meetings are bound by the terms of the Constitution.

10.0  Complaints procedure

10.1  Complaints about the conduct of Officer, Executive or members shall be made in writing to the President/Joint Presidents.  A complaint about the conduct of the President/Joint Presidents shall be made in writing to other Officers. A reply must be issued within ten working days.  In the event of the reply being deemed unsatisfactory by the complainant, the President/Joint Presidents or where the complaint is about the President/Joint President, the other Officers must bring the complaint and the response to an Executive meeting. The complainant and the defendant will have the right to respond to/attend and contribute to the deliberations of the Executive and are entitled to bring a friend.  The Executive will determine the final outcome in the event of a sanction being deemed necessary. The members will be notified at a general meeting.

11.0  Dissolution

11.1   The Association may be dissolved at a meeting called for this purpose of which not less than 21 days notice in writing shall be given to all members

11.2  The Association shall be dissolved with agreement of 75% of members present and voting at such a meeting.

11.3  After payment of all claims on the Association the remaining assets will be distributed to other organizations with similar aims and objectives to NATT+ in agreement with members.